It's probably nothin', but there was just somethin' about him that put me on edge, y'know? I'ma stay here in the meantime, though - I ain't in no hurry to leave my shop. Was real insistant that I take the money and run. Anyway, he offered me a pretty penny for my place here in Fyrestone. Said you dealt with him during the Claptrap uprising. Thought you might like to know, some guy from the, uh, Hyperion corporation came by - name of Blake.

Alternatively, the box can be shot from underneath the bridge by hitting the small part sticking out of it.ĭr. To switch it off, Vault Hunters have to get to the bridge leading to the Hyperion Info Stockade and jump to the small platform where the switch is. To disable the electric barrier protecting it, the electrical fuse box where the wires lead must be switched off or shot. The final ECHO is located in Zed's former residence.The fourth ECHO is located on a roof near the water tower in Fyrestone.The third ECHO can be found in a dumpster next to the Fyrestone Motel on the open area where Saturn spawns.The second ECHO is located at the former Catch-A-Ride station, in front of the Fyrestone entrance.The first ECHO is located in a tin shed near T.K.The ECHOs appear to be recorded in a partially-chronological order. To perform this challenge in Arid Nexus - Badlands, it is required to collect five ECHO recordings explaining what happened to Fyrestone during the time gap between the two games.

Arid Nexus - Badlands Beginning of the End is a location-based challenge in Borderlands 2.