Yed for mac
Yed for mac

yed for mac

Worked around OS behavior on 10.11 in which the search box in the Open File by Name window would lose keyboard focus and not get it back when it should have.Fixed bug in which using up-arrow and down-arrow while in the Open File by Name window's search box would change the selection in the results list, without bringing it into view.Fixed a crash which would occur on OS X 10.12 when opening the Preferences window more than once during a run of the application.Fixed bug in which the color used for highlighting selected items in lists wouldn't always track changes to the highlight color setting in the General system preferences.The 'BBEdit Light' and 'BBEdit Classic' color schemes no longer include explicit highlight colors, thus allowing the system highlight color selection to apply.Fixed a crash which would occur when changing a language-specific color scheme setting to 'Application Defaults'.Fixed a pair of bugs that conspired to prevent scratchpad documents (the Scratchpad and Unix Worksheet) from correctly remembering and restoring their state across open/close cycles.Fixed a case in which changes made by a documentDidSave attachment script would trigger a subsequent warning about the document having unsaved changes.In the case of untitled documents, the temporary copy will be in the system-designated temporary items location, which is arbitrary but generally not anywhere near $HOME. When using 'Check Syntax' or 'Run' on an unsaved or untitled document, the application will now write out a temporary copy of the document.Differences that have been applied are now crossed out in the Differences window list, in order to avoid janky font italicizing effects on some OS versions.Added Command-K and Command-R as keyboard equivalents for 'Check Syntax' and 'Run', respectively.Most will use the specified size, except in specific cases where circumstance requires the use of a fixed font size. Lists in the application all use the system font. The 'List Display Font' setting in the Appearance preferences has been replaced with a slider to set the font size.For convenience you can assign keyboard equivalents to these commands in the 'Menus & Shortcuts' preferences. Use these to change the magnification of the text in editing views. On the 'Text Display' submenu of the View menu, there are three new commands: 'Zoom In', 'Zoom Out', and 'Actual Size'.The interface is extremely clean and modern and feels really easy to use despite all of its advanced settings.


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